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About Us

The Ozark Seekers are a group of like-minded people from the Southwest part of Missouri, the Northwest part of Arkansas and parts of Oklahoma. Everyone in the group (see Facebook) are collectors and metal detectorists from all over the area and the entire country. Founded by Leon-Art-O (Leon Briggs) the Seekers started life as the Ozark Diggers but quickly changed it's name to something less evasive for the sake of obtaining permissions.



Whether your a relic hunter or a coin shooter you'll find something to interest you on our Facebook group or watching our hilarious YouTube videos. You might even stumble into our live chat area and talk to a new, potential digging buddy. You can click on Leon-Art-O's image at the top to go directly to Leon's personal Facebook page and strike up a conversation direct. Please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel so you can keep up to date with the latest videos and exploits.

Ozarks History


Most of our members are located in the Ozarks, an area of land located primarily in Southwest Missouri and dipping down into Arkansas and part of Oklahoma. It's an ancient geographical area once comprised of mountains now long gone and reduced to hills and valleys. Settled roughly in the 1830's there are still plenty of opportunities to find some older items and coins in the area.

Missouri has a very established Civil War history with lots of small skirmishes and some major battles. Most of our detectorists are avid relic hunters and spend most of their time seeking out artifacts from our Civil War past.

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